Board software is a great tool to conduct online meetings. This enables more efficient meetings and better board participation and better organization of paperwork. The use of specialized tools is essential to the success of any meeting, whether it is held in person or via video conferencing. Implementing these tools can be difficult and requires training and adjusting existing processes.

The best board management software offers a single, integrated solution for the entire meeting process. It helps administrators create agendas for meetings and send relevant documents to members in advance. It also allows them to distribute these documents and record meetings through its integrated audio/video conferencing tool. It can even generate automatically minutes of meetings following the meeting. Additionally, it can store and secure all materials used for board meetings in a central area that is easy to access.

Another major feature of the software is the ability to limit distractions. For example, it should allow attendees to mute their microphones when they’re not speaking. It should also establish conversation procedures, such as the procedure for raising a hand to ask a question, or to request permission to speak. To avoid confusion or anger it is crucial that the rules are clear for all members prior to the meeting.

The software must also be available on all devices so that users can easily access it. The most effective portals are optimized for use on desktops as well as tablet and mobile. This lets the software meet its goal of increasing attendance and boost the involvement of board members.

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