Accounting Provisions Sample Clauses

Utilizing a provision will result in derecognizing the provision as the obligations to which the provision relates are settled, usually through the payment of cash. Depending on the nature of the provision, the JV may debit an asset account . This would be the case for a provision for dismantling a temporary building and restoring the site Accounting Provisions Sample Clauses to its original condition if indicative threshold of USD 10,000.00 is met. Building on the review of responses in section C above, it is vital that the Accounts Division is able to conclude on the final accounting treatment for the items raised. An example of an information request template for legal claims is included in section 5below.

As part of the year-end closing instructions, an information request should be sent to each office/mission requesting details of any significant occurring events after the reporting date. An addendum of examples of typical events after the reporting date can also be included within the closing instructions to assist staff in identifying such events. At 31 December 20X1, both cases are deemed to have met the provisions recognition criteria. As no provision exists in the financial statements for these two cases, two new provisions should be recognized in the statement of financial position, for USD 3 million and USD 10 million respectively.

Are Provisions Non-Cash Expenses?

In this example we will assume that all information has been provided to the Accounts Division, and that discussions have been held between the Accounts Division and the OLA for all cases where the obligation and/or probability was unclear. The review conducted by the Accounts Division should include a comparison between prior and current year measurement. The Accounts Division can therefore use the recognition of provisions process to gather all of the necessary information relating to the adjustment of provisions.

Accounting Provisions Sample Clauses

Where applicable, all contracts awarded by the non-Federal entity in excess of $100,000 that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers must include a provision for compliance with 40 U.S.C. 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations . Under 40 U.S.C. 3702 of the Act, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. The requirements of 40 U.S.C. 3704 are applicable to construction work and provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. In accordance with the statute, contractors must be required to pay wages to laborers and mechanics at a rate not less than the prevailing wages specified in a wage determination made by the Secretary of Labor.

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A–123, Management’s Responsibility for Enterprise Risk Management and Internal Control. The deferred income tax is a liability that the company has on its balance sheet but that is not due for payment yet. This more complicated part of the income tax provision calculates a cumulative total of the temporary differences and applies the appropriate tax rate to that total.

  • For facilities and administrative (indirect (F&A)) rate proposals, educational institutions must use the standard format, shown in section E of this appendix, to submit their indirect (F&A) rate proposal to the cognizant agency for indirect costs.
  • Known or likely fraud affecting a Federal award, unless such fraud is otherwise reported as an audit finding in the schedule of findings and questioned costs for Federal awards.
  • Examples of disclosures that would require an individual’s authorization include disclosures to a life insurer for coverage purposes, disclosures to an employer of the results of a pre-employment physical or lab test, or disclosures to a pharmaceutical firm for their own marketing purposes.
  • These provisions also provide the policies and procedures for Federal awarding agencies and pass-through entities when using the results of these audits.

Any activity specifically authorized by statute to be undertaken with funds from the Federal award. To compute monthly cash inflows and outflows, the non-Federal entity must divide the annual amounts determined in step by the number of months in the year that the building is in service. The non-Federal entity must reduce claims for reimbursement of interest cost by an amount equal to imputed interest earnings on excess cash flow attributable to the portion of the facility used for Federal awards.

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