Many companies use cloud-based applications to store their data and applications in an environment that is safe. Cloud computing is a valuable business tool however, it can create unique challenges for IT security professionals. To overcome these obstacles it is essential to know how to protect cloud-based applications and ensure they remain safe. There are numerous certifications available to aid IT professionals increase their security expertise and gain the knowledge they need to safeguard sensitive information in the cloud.

The Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge is a preferred option for IT professionals pursuing certification in cloud security. This credential from the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) gives students a comprehensive and non-biased understanding of how to safeguard data in the cloud. The CCSK test covers topics like best practices for IAM cloud incident response, encryption of data, security of emerging technologies, and much more.

To ensure cloud providers are providing security and safety for customers and their data, the CSA has developed the Security, Trust, Assurance, Risk Registry (STAR). This program provides transparency via self-assessment, third-party auditors and harmonized guidelines when evaluating cloud services. This helps to eliminate confusion about cloud security obligations between cloud service providers and their customers.

Another option for IT professionals who are interested in pursuing the cloud security certification is the CompTIA Cloud+ certification. Although it’s technically a general cloud administration certification, it contains extensive security content. It’s a great choice for IT pros who want to test their skills in the world of cloud security. They may be capable of bypassing resume filters that look for specific certifications.

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