Speaking of statistically distinctive from both at 6 % height [F(1,51step three)=step 3

Brand new denominator ‘s the quantity of separated women in this group and you will year in all states

Searching a whole lot more closely at widows over-age sixty, we see one inside the 1977 the wedding rate is actually 2 % below the baseline seasons and also in 1978, the year after the legislation passed, the marriage rates is thirteen percent lower than this new standard seasons. 59] , which helps the chance that widows over-age sixty put-off matrimony up until the marriage penalty is eliminated. Inside 1979, the entire year legislation became productive, the marriage rates is actually 20% greater than brand new standard, the largest confident deviation in our decide to try several months. The latest 1978 and you can 1979 outcomes are mathematically different than each other at 1 percent top [F(step one,513)=] . The wedding rates was still over the standard kinesiska sexiga kvinnor when you look at the 1980, but only by the dos per cent. These types of regression overall performance make sure the fresh spike within the Committee Good of Shape step 1 is actually mathematically high.

This suggests one, an average of, legislation change did not have significant effects towards the widows below age sixty, but we browse the that it next in the future regressions.

H3: Divorced feminine don’t face for example higher benefits of waiting up to ages 60, hence these same manner cannot exists for them.

The marriage rate patterns to possess separated female do not exhibit the latest manner shown for widows. The big committee out of Profile dos implies that you’ll find moderate develops regarding relationship prices off separated ladies in 1979. New manner getting 60- so you can 70-year-olds commonly as the hitting as the trend getting widows. In the an excellent regression studies much like one significantly more than, found at the bottom committee regarding Shape 2 and Appendix Table step 1, we discover your deviations from the baseline year are significantly various other having separated ladies who has reached least many years 60 cousin to the people women that is less than many years 60 in the 1970, 1971, 1975, 1976, 1980, and you may 1981. In the place of the newest widows, there is not a definite development close the fresh new 1979 laws alter.

About under 60 group, we simply cannot reject the newest hypothesis your coefficient for the people step 1-year dummy are mathematically different than the latest coefficient to the year pursuing the in any seasons except 1988

Panel Good (descriptive statistics) implies that the wedding speed activities for separated feminine don’t showcase brand new manner shown to have widows. This panel shows slight develops regarding relationship rates out-of divorced female old 60–70 inside the 1979. Again, the brand new marital style for divorced women aged sixty–70 commonly because the striking since people to possess widows.

Among divorced female about age sixty, the wedding costs from inside the 1977, 1978, and you may 1979 is 20, 24, and 10 percent below the relationships price to your standard 12 months from 1968. The new pricing aren’t statistically different from each other at practical profile.

Committee B (regression abilities) implies that brand new deviations in the baseline year (1969) was significantly some other to possess divorced women that reaches the very least years 60 according to female less than many years sixty in 1970, 1971, 1975, 1976, 1980, and you can 1981. In place of the newest development to own widows, there is no obvious development surrounding the newest 1979 laws transform. (Complete regression email address details are found in Appendix Dining table 1.)

Among separated feminine below years 60, the wedding cost decline significantly between 1979 (29 percent underneath the baseline) and you will 1980 (47 % below the baseline), hinting on possibility why these separated female was basically replacements getting brand new widows who have been now free to wed without penalty.

Notes: The newest numerator is the weighted amount of ong separated ladies in the age category and you may year from says which were from the MRA for all years between 1968 and 1995 and this claimed previous marital standing on the relationships certificates. Discover Appendix Table 1 having informative data on coefficients and important errors.

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